Coronavirus Updates
Things, of course, are rarely as bad as they might seem, and they always, always return to normal.
But we've been getting a lot of questions about the status if this year's trip. Understandably, people are hesitant to book their travel at the moment - which we totally get. So we're rescheduling 2020. We're still planning on another Time of Healing retreat for November (details will be shared soon) because we're hopeful that things will have settled out by then.
But in the meantime, we'd love to get your input about a few things. In particular, we'd appreciate your help in deciding when to reschedule our Mystical Bali Yoga Retreat, something many of you have enquired about. We've put together a little 4 question survey to capture your preferences.
It will only take about a minute, and as our way of saying thanks for your time we'll send you a code for $100 off any future Spirit Quest trip.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go wash my hands.
Travel lightly
Greg & the Spirit Quest crew
Create your own user feedback survey